Saturday, February 12, 2011

DIY Wort Chiller

Young, sugary wort, freshly finished boiling is like an attractive woman in a hot outfit at a night club.  On the other hand, wild yeasts, bacteria, molds, and other contaminates are like every sex deprived man, marinated in alcohol, and basted with cologne and desperation out looking for a good time.  Your job as brewer is to be your wort's 'big, fat, friend.'  Control the surroundings, keep intruders at bay, and get your girl home safe.

One of the most vulnerable times for wort is after the boil.  Wort must be cooled down from boiling temperatures to yeast pitching temperatures as quickly as possible.  The longer it takes wort to chill the more opportunity for contamination.  On my first two batches of beer I used the poor man's method of chilling wort:  put the covered boiling kettle in a bath of ice water and wait it out.  For 2.5 to 3 gallons of wort this took me about 30-45 minutes.  I'd heard of immersion chillers and decided to try and make my own with amazing results.  **Spoiler Alert!!**  I used my homemade wort chiller on the next patch of beer and was able to cool the boiling liquid down from 208 F to 75 F in about 15 minutes.  Here's how I made my wort chiller.

First, you need to go to the hardware store.  You will need to get the following items:
  • 20-25 feet of 3/8" O.D. (outside diameter) copper tubing
  • enough 3/8" I.D. (inside diameter) vinyl tubing to go from your sink to your kettle and back again with some extra.  I purchased 20'
  • 2 hose clamps adjustable from at least 3/8" to a little larger then the O.D. of your vinyl hose
  • faucet adapter to change the threading on your faucet end to garden hose threads.  More on this later.
  • 1/2" female garden hose repair kit.
I got all of this material from The Home Depot for under $50.

I started by wrapping the copper tubing around a coffee can with a circumference about a third smaller then my boiling pot.  I left about 1.5' to 2' extra  on each end.

Next, I removed the coffee can and carefully bent the longer of the two ends up through the center of the coil.  Take time bending the copper and try to use hard objects (ex. soup cans) to bend around.  If you think you are kinking the copper, stop and try making your bend in another place.  Don't kink the copper because you will run the risk of developing a hole in the tubing which will contaminate your wort.  Here's a hint, the tighter the bend the greater the chance of developing kinks.

 I bent the two ends of the coil into hooks to hang over the edge of the kettle.  This way, if the connection with the vinyl hose ever fails the leak won't contaminate the wort.

Cut the vinyl hose in half and attach to the chiller with hose clamps.  The chiller has to ends:  the supply, and the return.  In order to utilize convection currents created within the wort, I made the supply end the top of the coil and the return the bottom.  This way the coldest water circulating through the chiller is at the top of the kettle.  As the cooled wort moves to the bottom of the kettle, warmer wort will take it's place at the top next to the coldest part of the chiller.  Method to the madness.

The hose repair end goes on the supply side of the vinyl hose.  The smallest hose repair kit I could find was for a 1/2" hose.  Since the I.D. of the vinyl hose is 3/8" it was a tight fit.  Heating up the vinyl hose with hot tap water helped a bit.  Finally you have to adapt the faucet you will use for cold water to accept the garden hose threaded end.  This will depend on your faucet.  If you have questions as to what you need, unscrew the aerator (small cap on the end of the faucet) and take it with you to the hardware store.  Ask for help adapting your particular faucet to accept garden hose threads.  Be careful to not lose any parts from your faucet's aerator or you will need to get parts for that as well.

Once everything has gone together, set the chiller in your empty kettle, attach the supply to the faucet, place the return in the sink, weigh it down by placing something heavy on the end of the hose, and turn the water on.  Water should be flowing through the chiller and you can now check for leaks.  If everything is snugged down you should be golden.  Make sure to clean the chiller before and after each use and to sanitize it by placing it in the still boiling wort 15 minutes prior to the end of the boil.  Monitor your chiller while it is in the wort and keep the vinyl hose away from the heat of the cook-top or you will be replacing it.  When you start water flowing through the chiller, keep in mind that the water coming out of the return end will be hot until the wort cools down.  Don't burn yourself!

There you go, a fun do-it-yourself project all in the name of beer.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amber is the color of your energy

With the tainted wheat beer poured out I began the process over.  Going to the home brewing store and buying supplies for a new batch a beer seemed to give me a renewed zest for brewing.  I decided to try my hand at an American amber ale.  I also picked up some tools to make brewing easier:  an auto siphon to easily siphon liquids, and a bottle rack for drying bottles as I clean them.  I wonder if I can set up direct deposit from my pay check to The Beer Nut?  I'll have to check in to that.

After cleaning the ever-loving crap out of my fermenter, I put two and a half gallons of spring water in my boiling kettle and set the oven range on high.  Upon opening my new box of ingredients I discovered a surprise:  this recipe required the addition of specialty grains.  I've mentioned before that home brewing has been made easy with malt extract, but let me recap.  A commercial company will do all the leg work steeping the beer grains at very specific and controlled temperatures.  They then concentrate the mash and reduce it to a sugary syrup or a dry powder.  Those products are malt extracts.  Since mashing grains is such an exacting process, brewing by way of malt extract is a great way to get a handle on the brewing basics while still achieving drinkable beer.

When a person steeps specialty grains at a controlled temperature then brings the brew to a boil adding extract and hops, they are partial mash brewing.  I was happy for this new challenge even though I'm still new to brewing.  As uncle Roommate can tell you, I tend to watch the temperature of the brew very closely as is, so keeping the specialty grains withing a few degrees of 155 F was not too much of a task.

Aside from the partial mash component of the amber ale, this batch followed the same basic steps as the last.  As before, I focused on sanitizing everything that might come in contact with the wort.  I did decide to do a few things different this time around.  First, I agitated the wort after pitching the yeast to try and mix it throughout the brew.  Second, uncle Roommate and I put vodka in the air lock instead of water as an extra step in sanitizing.  Finally, I covered the fermenter with a cardboard box to shield it even better from light.  I'm hoping these steps will result in a drinkable end product.

Check back soon for an exciting "Do-It-Yourself" project complete with directions and pictures!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

All that was missing was Taps on a bugle.

Two and a half weeks had passed with my beer in the fermenter.  Everything I had read or watched on home brewing beer said that two weeks was standard time for ale yeast to do its thing.  By the end of two weeks, the yeast should have gone dormant, fallen to the bottom of the fermenter, and sedimentized.  My brew, however, had a different plan.  Half a week late and there was still considerable yeast activity on the surface of the beer.

I closed up the fermenter and decided to give it the rest of the week to hopefully right itself.  In the meantime I kept myself occupied by going to the local home brew store to get my next ingredient kit and some other home brewing tools.  As I approached the counter to make my purchase I decided to forfeit my Man-Card and ask the employee for advice on my troubled brew.  He said that it was strange that my beer would continue to ferment for almost three weeks and advised me to just let it be a little longer.  He also cautioned me against throwing it out unless it was too disgusting to drink.

Which brings me to the following weekend.  Three weeks in the fermenter and there was still yeast growth on top of the brew.  I also noticed a white film on the surface; a tell-tale sign of infection.  The beer had lost much of the sweet flavor it had begun with.  Uncle Roommate described it best as "tasting like vinegar."  Sour, acidic, and still actively fermenting....I broke one of the cardinal rules of home brewing and poured out my beer.  It was disappointing but that's part of the learning process.  By pulling the plug on my troubled brew, I could free up the fermenter for my next batch.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sample this

During the week and a half after I had placed the beer in the fermenter there wasn't a whole lot to do but sit back and let the yeast do it's thing.  I did need bottles for bottling my brew so I lit up the Bat Signal and informed my beer drinking buddies that I was in need of their help.  Talk about a good job:  "I need you to drink beer and save me the bottles.  Then, I will use your bottles for my home brew that I will give you some of."  Its win-win!

The type of bottle I needed was fairly specific.  The best bottles are brown and must have the pry-off type caps.  Twist-off type bottles don't seal well enough to hold the pressure built up during the carbonation process.  Brown bottles limit the amount of light that can reach the beer inhibiting spoilage.  I started buying Dos Equis Amber Lager and began a stock pile of bottles.

After ten days of fermenting, the bubbling in the air lock had greatly subsided.  I needed to check the specific gravity of the beer to see if it was on track to be bottled in a few days.  I was expecting to see that the yeast was beginning to fall to the bottom of the fermenter and sedimentize.  Instead I found that the yeast still seemed to be very active.  Using a sanitized baster, I extracted a sample of my brew.

Wheat beer hydrometer reading
First thing's first:  I needed to check the specific gravity of my brew.  My hydrometer reading indicated that there was still too much sugar in the beer.  This told me that the fermentation was still very active and probably wouldn't be ready to bottle for about a week.  I decided to test everything again in 3-4 days.  That just left me with one final task:  tasting the beer.

I put the sample to my nose and gave it a sniff.  It smelled of wheat and yeast, a good sign since this was a wheat beer.  The taste, however, seemed off to me.  Yes it was yeasty, but it also tasted very sour and acidic.    I was now fairly concerned about my brew.  Perhaps I hadn't been careful enough with my sanitation during the early brewing process.  Back to the waiting game again to see what the coming week would bring.